My tomato sauce / La mia salsa di pomodoro


This year has brought many changes into my life. I decided to quit my job, came back where I grew up and many other things. One of those many other things is my urge for more earthly, concrete things. So came the decision to help Dad plant and sow his vegetable garden. Continue reading / Continua a leggere…

Knock Knock here comes Le Creuset’s Knob / Il pomello del desiderio


A year ago, after a lot of internet browsing and actual drooling over pictures of magnificient breads, I decided to get my own Le Creuset pot. I longed for one for far too much time. Blame it on childhood memories of my mum’s orange set of pots, my natural attraction to all things nice and often too expensive, or the new colors that were issued in 2012. Who knows. I knew I needed one. Continue reading / Continua a leggere…